Monday, February 18, 2008

Change of Plans!

Alright so this past week the temp agencies finally called and I worked at an accounting firm just answering phones and stuff on Friday and I'm going to work this week for the University helping students fill out forms. Beate's still just working weekends at the German bar and the weather still totally sucks here. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and today with congestion and exhaustion setting in.

But the good news: We have finally decided to get out of Christchurch! We're not exactly happy here at the moment and I have to say I honestly don't like working at Sticky Fingers and the place we're living is a dump. So why are we still here? No clue! We've decided to leave next Thursday (because that's the day of the week we pay rent) and go up to Kaikoura for a couple of days and whale watch. Then we'll move on to Blenheim, which is in the middle of the Marlborough region which is known for wine! (Especially Sauvignon Blanc) There we're going to spend about 5 weeks working in some of the vineyards! We found a bunch of backpackers and companies that set you up with cheap accommodation and transport to work. We're totally stoked to get going and start another adventure!

After that it will be the beginning of April and we'll travel the North Island before flying out! I think the fresh air (and hopefully some wine-tasting as well) will do us good for the next month or so.

Other than that I have one more story: I had just gone to work last night and about 1/2 hour after I started I turned around and here were Ed and Andrea at the bar! Ha! We didn't even know they were coming into town and they didn't even know we were in Christchurch, let alone that I was working at Sticky Fingers! This place feels sooooo small sometimes! So we're happy to catch up with them later today since they've decided to stay here for awhile.

I also went out on Saturday night with a Dutch girl from work. We had a blast meeting up with some of her friends and acquaintances! There's definitely a crazy bar scene in this town; people of all ages were out! 18 (the drinking age here) up to mid 60s! Fun times!


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