Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm exhausted!

Okay so this has to be quick...the internet is still a far away concept in Blenheim. They only have dial up at the backpackers! It took me half an hour the other day to read a couple of e-mails and reply to one! What did we used to do when we only had dial up?

Anyway, we're staying at the Lemon Tree Backpackers in Blenheim and working on vineyards. The work is easy enough, but makes us sore and tired at the end of the day. I'm extra tired because my allergies are really kicking in next to all these plants. Everyone in the hostel is working for some contracting company that sends people to different vineyards, so that's cool. We have to catch a bus at 6:40am and then we work up until 3 or 4pm right now. We'll start picking next week which will then be 10 hour days! Woohoo! Beate and I have decided that we can only take 3 weeks of this and then we'll head up to Hawkes Bay to do 2 more weeks (just in a different place for some variety) and then finish travelling the North Island before leaving April 26th.

I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update the blog over the next couple of months, so don't worry if I haven't written in a week or two...I'm probably working and the internet isn't!

Hope all is well in the U.S. I am looking forward to getting back!


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