Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's Saturday morning at 10:30am and I am yet again, waiting for things to happen. Why does this always happen to me? Probably because I'm the type of person that gets things going/I'm a do-er not a sit around and wait for life to come to me type person. I still haven't heard from the Safari Lounge, I'm supposed to find out from a job at Microsoft sometime next week and I just found out that one of the jobs I really wanted in AZ is open and they wanted me...whew! So I have no clue what I'll end up doing today.

Yesterday I ended up doing little things like setting up Skype on my computer and making phone calls and grocery shopping. But then Chris, Beate and I went out again! Yay for Friday night! We realized we had to go out later if we were going to find the crowds so left at about 9:45. I really enjoy spending time with these two but...1) I find myself explaining a lot since English isn't their native language and 2) They are quiet and indecisive and want to please others, which is great but even when they're drinking they don't get any livelier and we all know that I do. So we went to a knew place: Grand Central, which had some live music that was bluesy. Finally Beate and I ditched Chris again and hit up the Crib and the Whiskey! Whoever told me that Kiwis don't buy girls drinks was a liar, because it's happened both nights now! We didn't stay out near as long because we were both pretty tired so we left at 1:30am or so. Fun times, but I guess in some respects I wish I had one of my crazy American girlfriends with me because then I wouldn't have to worry about her understanding me and or if she was having a good time or not. I guess I'm just used to more direct people.

Well, I sure hope everyone's having a fantastic Friday!



Jennifer said...

So wait...does that mean you could possible come back to AZ?!?!?

Lisasadventures said...

Haha, oh boy...I guess the tentative answer to that question would be: There is a small possibility that yes, I could come back to AZ. But don't hold your breath!